each pet is unique

Our pet’s are unique; their breed, temperament, environment in which they live, life cycle, stress levels, anxiety, behavior and lifestyle are all factors that influence their overall health. Your pet's health will change throughout their life and having a dedicated nutrition practitioner to help understand the changes can be a huge relief for pet parents.

Click here to find out more information about the Wellness Plans available!

the path of healing

The healing process is a path not a destination.  Healing will manifest differently with each pet. Since our pets can't tell us what is wrong we must rely on the natural physiological expression of symptoms.  Each visit is a starting point where we will analyze your pet's current state of health and then define a plan to move forward from there.  As we treat underlining symptoms, more symptoms may emerge as nutritional deficiencies are met. Every nutritional step moves us along the path to overall healing.  Each animal's body is equipped for optimal health and balance.  

a holistic approach to health

Your pet's body has all the elements it needs to reach optimal health.  Deficiencies and inflammation cause disease, which is perpetuated through the manifestation of physiological symptoms. By understanding how intricate and interrelated your pet's body is we can take a supportive role in the healing process by providing the tools your pet needs to meet deficiencies, heal inflammation, and boost the natural healing process. 

Environmental Concerns

In order to support your pet’s health by providing nutritional tools, we must also consider your pet’s environment. Are they under any sort of stress (moving, a new baby, another addition of a pet, divorce, death in family, etc.), have they encountered a trauma such as gone through a natural disaster, tangled with another predator, neglect, re-homed or abused, what sort of environment concerns could affect their health (mold, allergies, toxic air and/or water, new construction, bedding, detergents, cleaning material, herbicides for laws, heat exhaustion, flea & tick medications, heartworm pills, etc.) or new changes to their schedule. Just as people need to navigate through the stress of life, pets need help as well. Often changing a pet’s environment can help jump start a healing process in an impactful way.


Understanding your pet’s specific health needs through nutritional analysis is just one part of the path to holistic health.  As we define your pet’s specific health plan we may find that other health care mediums may be necessary.  Working with specialized behaviorists, holistic veterinarians, acupuncturists, chiropractors and homeopaths is important to making sure your pet’s health is supported in the best possible way.  There is no one size fits all approach to health.  

Click here to learning about the Path to Wellness.